BSc Cyber Security Student at the University of Warwick

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🎉 LATEST NEWS: I now have an offer to study for an MPhil in Advanced Computer Science at the University of Cambridge! I am excited to take my research a step further, hopefully looking into analysing cybercrime taxonomy using aggregated data from a variety of internet forums.

I'm a student, blogger, coder, speaker and hobbyist, studying for my Bachelor's Degree in Cyber Security.

My research interests involve finding practical solutions to growing issues in cybercrime and online harms, bridging digital forensics, criminology and computer science to aid victims and investigators with tools, news and support.


  • ⭐ Security Research Intern at WithSecure, working in London
  • ⭐ Google STEP Intern 2022, working in Munich
  • ⭐ Course and Department Representative at University
  • ⭐ Predicted first-class honours, with a dissertation focused around impeding surveillance techniques in Android applications


  • 🏆 Cyber Student of the Year 2022 at the National Cyber Awards
  • 🏆 Cyber 9/12 Finalist 2023
  • 🏆 Winner of Google Code-in 2018
  • 🏆 Dual GIAC certified (GCFE, GCIH), SANS Coin Recipient for course contribution
  • 🏆 Winner of CyberCenturion VIII, Finalist at VII, VI
  • 🏆 Winner of WorldSkills UK Cyber Security Final 2021


For more about my life, hobbies, interests and work, see my blog!

Or, your can find me at the following accounts: